It’s not that hard if you know what you’re doing.
But you need some basic handyman skills, good tools and enough nerve to cut a good sized hole in your caravan floor.
Most of the heaters come in kits, the instructions are in Chinglish and border on being useless. If you are doing a DIY then Youtube is gonna be your friend more than the instruction booklet.
Some of the key issues you need to consider:
- 2kw or 5kw?
- Where can you fit the heater?
- Ok so you can fit it there – now, can you drill a 100mm hole thru the floor without hitting anything?
- Where will you mount your fuel tank?
- What type of tank will suit?
- Where are your batteries and how will you get power to the heater?
There are more questions, but these are the basics.
If you’re feeling confident then go ahead and get started. If you live in Perth and don’t feel so confident fitting a diesel heater to your caravan then call us and we will help you out!